California Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance and Getting a Second Dental Opinion.
As stated in a prior post getting a second opinion is advise whenever you feel unsure about a dental treatment plan provided to you by a dentist. However it is also important to know what you need to do in order to make sure you have benefits under your dental insurance plan for a second opinion.
If you have a dental PPO plan it may be a little easier to get a second dental opinion since you are not assigned to any one provider. However most PPO insurance plan will only cover for one set of X-rays a year. Therefore you may have to have your X-rays transferred to the new dental office where you are getting the second opinion. Transferring X-rays should not be too hard to do but the original dental office may charge you for it.
If you have an HMO dental plan you will need to call the insurance company in order to change dental providers. Under and HMO plan you are assigned to the dentist you pick and although you can change dentist within the plan network you have to call in the change. You do not just want to see any dentist even if they are in the network without letting the insurance company know before hand